The GL300 has three status LEDs that can clue you in to what is currently going on with your tracker. Those three LEDs are:
The top LED, the GPS LED, tells us the status of the GPS connection. The GPS connection is what allows the tracker to get an accurate location position. The blue LED will flash when connecting to the network and will turn solid blue once it obtains a GPS signal. After turning solid, the light will continue to flash, then turn solid each time it gets a lock.
The LED going dark could indicate either the device is in standby or has lost signal. A quick way to test is to simply move the device. If connected, the blue LED will light up almost immediately.
The middle LED is the red PWR LED. This LED informs you about the battery status of your GL300, especially during charging. When charging the red LED will flash, then will go solid when fully charged. During normal usage, the PWR LED will turn on briefly when powering the device on or off, but will remain off during normal operation.
The bottom LED is the green CEL LED. This displays the status of the cellular connection that is used to communicate with the Spytec GPS platform. During normal operation the green LED will flash once every three seconds, this indicates a good connection. If the LED is flashing more rapidly, once every second, that means the unit is actively attempting to connect to the network. If this continues for an extended amount of time, you may need to reposition the tracker or contact technical support. If the green LED is out, that can indicate that the tracker is in standby mode and is not seeking an active connection. It can be forced to connect by pressing the SOS button, or by rebooting the tracker.