Main Features
- New Mobile App Layout
- Camera Scanner
- Handling a Large Number of Devices
- Other Features and Improvements
New Mobile App Layout
Our mobile app gets a new layout that will allow users to move faster across the different areas in the app.
Bottom navigation bar
A new bottom nav bar has been added to the app. With shortcuts to Live Tracking, Time Machine, Activities, Search, and the Menu.
Full page menu
The app menu has gone from a sidebar into a full-page menu with shortcuts to searching and scanning and a tracker carousel. App areas are now square tiles with descriptions. Preferences and help get their own sections too.
Camera Scanner
When managing assets, especially a large number of assets, users often have to move a tracker from one asset to the other. It’s nice to be able to do these things in a mobile app without having to rely on a desktop computer, however, the process of finding a tracker, going to the settings, and changing its name, can be time consuming, which is why we can use the camera scanner to write the new tracker name for you. Scanning saves time and reduces the potential for keying errors.
Here's a sample of how the app can find a tracker by scanning the IMEI in its bar-code and renaming it using a QR-code:
Handling a Large Number of Devices
Live tracking map clustering for large number of devices
We’ve added clustering to the live tracking map. Clustering hides trackers that are under other tracker icons in the map and informs you how many trackers are behind it so you can keep zooming if needed.
Tracker lists change automatically
The tracker lists at the bottom of the live tracking tab will change automatically based on the trackers you has on the map. That means that as you zoom in, the list will get smaller and smaller. This will make finding trackers a lot easier if you have a large number of trackers.
Search and shortcuts to select trackers
We’ve added search bars to every list of trackers in the app. Currently, this only applies if you have 50 or more trackers. We’ve also added shortcuts to Select All & Select None.
Other Features and Improvements
Ability to cross over dates in Time Machine
You will now be able to select a Time Machine window that starts on one day and ends on the next one.
Position Snapshot available in Live Tracking
If a user taps on a tracker card, it will open the Position Snapshot. This feature was only available in Time Machine. It’s now in Live Tracking too.
Showing charging status in tracker cards
Tracker cards in mobile will now show if a tracker is charging or plugged into a battery source.
Show / hide password in login
We’ve added a button to show and hide the password on the login screen.
Recent searches
We’re now storing recent searches to make it faster for you to find the things you recently searched for.